How much do Americans spend on apparel?

By: Stella Liang

An American Household spent an average of $1,700 dollars on apparel in 2010, according to the 2010 Consumer Expenditure Survey done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In the following graphic, the spending is broken down by gender and compared to other household expenditures. This data set is the most current set available.

Click on the graphic to enlarge.

How much do Americans spend on apparel.

Fair trade in the fashion industry

By: Stella Liang

Fair trade tries to better the lives of workers in developing countries. Kate von Achen, fair trade company Awava’s founding director, and University of Kansas business professor discuss the effects of the practice.

STELLA LIANG, reporter: The American Apparel and Footwear Association says 97 percent of the clothes bought in the U.S. are made outside of the country.

Kate von Achen started Awava, a fair trade company, to sell items from Uganda.

KATE VON ACHEN, Awava founding director: Most of the time when people think of fair trade, they think of money. Producers are receiving more money for whatever they are producing which is a very important component.

LIANG: Other tenants of fair trade include respecting cultural identity and the environment.

Von Achen says she sees positive results like in Mama Lucy’s life.

VON ACHEN: She cares for 14 children and then her two elderly parents. All of the school-age children are in school, which is expensive. They are able to afford medical care for everybody when they need it.

LIANG: University of Kansas business professor Tailan Chi says fair trade doesn’t make a big impact.

TAILAN CHI, Business professor: There are many ways to help developing countries. Fair trade is one way, but I think its scope of influence is probably limited.

LIANG: Chi says fair trade improves lives on a small scale.

CHI: The intention is to help people, and the outcome is some assistance to a relatively small number of people.

LIANG: For Fashion Talk, this is Stella Liang.